Book a Private Session and Learn How to Take Control of Your Conversations

Politics does not have to be a sore subject in your life. Understanding political issues, identifying your beliefs, and articulating them to others can be fun, informative, and even empowering! It’s called Political Wellness, but it doesn’t always come easily.

Book a private session with Sara Goff, author, public speaker, and Founder of Bridging Minds to make politics a bridge to stronger relationships in your life.

Areas where Sara can help include:

-Relationships in need of rebuilding or repairing; how to talk to someone when it feels impossible
-A sourcing partner to better understand complicated political and social issues
-Finding your own voice and determining the best way to use it
-Help with communication skills in heated conversations
-Someone to listen and show the power of listening skills
-Strategies for political wellness when you want to give up on politics and political discussions
-Confidence building for community involvement or activism
-Learning emotional intelligence and how to take control of the fears that dictate your decisions
-Guidance in Bridging Minds or other discussion groups
-Creative exercises to help you understand and communicate your feelings (two-hour session only)
-Mock discussions to practice and analyze communication techniques (two-hour session only)

If you choose a two-hour session, we offer creative exercises and mock discussions to practice/analyze different techniques and responses for having positive and productive dialogs.

Fees are donation-based to help with the time and costs invested in Bridging Minds. Your donations will also help us expand our discussion group on and off Facebook, develop our podcast, offer writing opportunities, host guest speakers, and more.

Please note, all sessions are private and confidential. Sara and Bridging Minds are not responsible for relationships and discussions outside of the sessions. Respectful, civil behavior is not only expected but will support a meaningful outcome to help you reach your goals and see the results you desire.

At this time, we ask that you make a donation to Bridging Minds following each session. Thank you!

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